How To Create Your Own CDB
Part of getting the results you want in your life include being able to keep all of the critical documents in your life in an organized simple binder, called the CDB, or critical document binder. Your Life’s Calendar is really an organized dated record of your time. One hundred years of your life equals 5,200 weeks or 168 hours per week totaling 873,670 total hours in a hundred year life.
It’s been said many times that “life is too short.” This ridiculous calculation of the actual amount of time that you have in hours in a hundred year lifetime is really a great reason for you to prepare and maintain a CDB for two copies of everything in your life that is critical. Some might say that this is CDB is a little nuts. You will find that those same people that don’t make a CDB part of their life will wish they did after a critical document in their life goes missing.
Your CDB should be located in your home, next to your Life’s Calendar. These are the four items needed to build your own CDB. These materials are available at most office supply stores.
1. A three-ring binder that can be customized; three-inch binder is recommended.
2. A through Z three-ring file separators.
3. A box of three-ring clear sheet protectors.
4. A three-whole punch to keep inside your binder.
First, add a page in front that lists everything you add from A through Z. Then make a copy of each insert so you can quickly retrieve it when needed, without removing the originals. Here is a list of critical documents that you may want to place into your CDB; let’s start with your birth certificate, résumé, medication list, will, trust, health-care directives, permits, education credentials, marriage/divorce license, IRS returns, social security cards, copies of your credit cards, car registration, and copy of health/care documents, home insurance, etc. This list will obviously be different for everyone. Most inserts will be from your past, but you may also include applications for jobs, school or grants, etc. that will be for your future. Sometimes, papers in life get lost, but not if you have a CDB with everything inside. Life’s Calendar will give kids, or really anyone, a format to organize their past in their CDB, then plan their future and end up with an autobiography of sorts of their life. This is a great way to live.